Book a place at the CfGS Conference 2025

As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the law which brought in scrutiny, CfGS is saying farewell to its longest serving team member, Tim Gilling.

Tim joined CfGS in 2004, soon after it was set up. His prior experience involved working in unitary, county and district councils across Yorkshire and the north east.

CfGS was set up to provide a national centre of excellence on matters relating to overview and scrutiny in local government, and expanded its focus as the important health scrutiny powers were brought in in the early 00s. Health scrutiny became Tim’s domain. Within a few years he was leading a multi-year, multi-million pound health scrutiny support programme funded by the Department of Health, directing significant amounts of support to councils as they got to grips with these new powers. He worked with civil servants and others from national bodies to make sure scrutiny practitioners’ voices were front and centre as critical issues around governance and accountability were discussed.

In more recent years, Tim’s role changed to leading on our business development work and broadening our focus to wider governance support in a range of sectors.

A huge thanks to Tim for the work and commitment he has put into CfGS, and his contribution to the scrutiny sector more generally. We wish him every success in all his future adventures.