Book a place at the CfGS Conference 2025

Sunderland City Council


CfGS led work to help identify governance and scrutiny gaps and provide recommendations to improve the day-to-day running of Sunderland City Council. A review of Overview and Scrutiny concentrated on whether the current approach to working was fit for purpose in times of austerity. Interviews with scrutiny chairs, leads and officers were conducted in order to glean where there were strengths and where there were gaps that needed to be filled.


CfGS provided a report outlining several recommendations to make sure that Sunderland’s Overview and Scrutiny function focussed on improving outcomes and holding the council to account, two areas that were seen as lacking

“CfGS ran a couple of sessions and then produced a report. The report did exactly what it needed to do – the changes are going through Council now.”

Charlotte Burnham, Head of Scrutiny and Area Arrangements, Sunderland City Council.

If you would like CfGS to support your organisation to help drive improvement in the way you do business please get in touch by emailing info@cfgs.org.uk